Home File Templates Creating an Excel File Template

Creating an Excel File Template

Last updated on Dec 20, 2023
  1. Open any Excel document, it can be blank or a document you've use previously.

  2. Add a page to your Excel and name it (suggestion: "Vsimple Mapping")

  3. On your Vsimple workflow, click Admin then File Templates

  4. On the top right corner of this page, click View Document Keyspaces

  5. In this pop-up window, click the icon to the very left of the field you'd like mapped onto your Excel document. This icon "copies" the keyspace code.

  6. In your Excel document, "paste" the keyspace onto the newly created page.

  7. Once you've added the fields applicable to your document, click on the main page of your Excel and type the "equals" key into the cell, then on your "Vsimple Mapping" page, highlight the cell that this is related to and hit "Enter" on your keyboard. Repeat until all the fields are accounted for.

  8. To add a table, you only need to add a single row of keyspaces. The additional rows from Vsimple will automatically map in the fields below.

  9. Add any formulas necessary at this point!

  10. When you're ready, right click on the "Vsimple Mapping" page's tab and select "hide."

  11. Save the Excel and in the Vsimple File Template's page, click "New File Template" and choose the document created.

  12. To generate or test the file you've created, head to an individual record and under your name in the top right, click Actions then click the name of the file you've just added. This file will generate into your downloads folder.