Vsignature file templates pre-fill a contract with Vsimple record information and explicitly define where a signer should add information like:
Signature (required at least once)
Signer Name or Company Name
Signer Job Title, Phone Number, Email, or Address
Checkboxes (A user chooses to check or uncheck a single box)
Radio Buttons (A user chooses to check one option out of many)
Custom Text Fields
To learn how to pre-fill Vsimple record information, check out this help article about Word File Templates. Vsignature Keyspaces work similarly. Copy the Keyspace onto the page where you would like a signer to add particular information. However, there are a few differences:
For Custom Text Fields, the copied value is "${vsign.custom-*}", you must replace the * with the field label that you would like to appear for the signer. For example, "${vsign.custom-Preferred Contact Method}"
For Radio Buttons, the copied value is "${vsign.radio-*}", use numbers to flag groups of radio buttons. For example, if radio button ${vsign.radio-1} is used in three places, a user will be required to select one of those three options:
Would appear like this to a signer:
By default, Vsignature Keyspaces are required. To make them optional, add ":optional" to the keyspace like this: "${vsign.custom-6:optional}"
By default, Vsignature Keyspaces are assigned to the 1st Signer, add ":sig_2" to the keyspace like this "${vsign.signature:sig_2}" to assign to a 2nd signer (the same format works for up to 5 signers by using sig_3, sig_4, and sig_5.