Vsimple's integration admin page allows admins to update the way that data is mapped from 3rd party systems to Vsimple. Here's an overview of the key features:
An Active / Inactive Toggle allows you to turn an integration on or off
An Integration Type dropdown with the following options:
Create and Update: If Vsimple matches incoming data to an existing record, it will update it. Otherwise, Vsimple will create a new record.
Update Only: If Vsimple matches incoming data to an existing record, it will update it. Otherwise, the data will be ignored.
Define if the integration should update the name of the record (if no name is provided for a "Create and Update" integration the name will be the integration name plus the date and time stamp when the record was created).
Define if the integration should update the description of the record
Define if the integration should update the record type of the record (if left blank the default record type will be assigned to newly created records)
Define the custom field mapping between Vsimple and the Other Datasource
At least one custom field and one unique custom must be mapped
Mapped Field (enter the field id / name from the Other Datasource)
Hard-coded Value (enter a value that will always be set for a given integration)
Jsonata Expression (use code to define a more advanced mapping. Here's a link to what's possible with Jsonata and here's a sandbox to test it out)
- Child objects can also be added to the mapping
Please note that not all integrations are supported with the integration admin page. If you ever need any help making a change please reach out to Vsimple support!