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User Management

Mary Mittel
By Mary Mittel
5 articles

Defining Permissions

- If the role chosen for the user is “Internal Admin,” the “Record Permission” and will default to “Edit All Records” and the “Financial Access” will default to “Full Access.” This setting is given to those who will have access to change the platform's structure and permissions. - If the role chosen for the user is “External,” the “Record Permission” and will default to “View Only Where Collaborator” and the “Financial Access” will default to “No Access.” While the default setting of “Financial Access” can be edited to grant the user full access to financials, the “Record Permissions” cannot be edited with these permissions. This setting is given to anyone outside of your company with whom you’d like to see specific records. - If the role chosen for the user is “Internal Standard,” the “Record Permission” and will default to “View Only Where Collaborator” and the “Financial Access” will default to “Full Access.”  Each of these permissions can be changed. - “View Only Where Collaborator” defines that the user must be a collaborator in each workflow and cannot make edits or status changes. This user can add files, download, and make comments in a workflow. - “Edit Only Where Collaborator” defines that the user must be a collaborator in each workflow in order to make edits or status changes. This user can also add files and make comments to that specific workflow. - “View All Records” defines that the user does not need to be a collaborator in any workflow in order to view, make comments, or add files. This user does not have access to make edits or status changes. - “Edit All Records” permission is given to those who has access to make edits and comments, upload files, and change statuses in any workflow.

Last updated on Apr 17, 2023